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Striving for





At Thurcroft we are committed to providing high quality learning and teaching, enabling everyone to reach their full potential, whatever their age, ability, gender or ethnicity. We believe that every person is unique and we work together in an inclusive environment of mutual respect and consideration, valuing everyone's contribution. We believe that physical activity (during lessons, play and extra-curricular) is essential when developing the whole child, as a motivating factor for academic learning and in educating pupils for lifelong healthy living. We strive to deliver outstanding sports provision that engages all pupils in a variety of sports and recreation activities at school and beyond.


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We have now received PLATINUM in our School Games Sports Mark for 2023/2024! This has been achieved through our commitment and engagement in the school games programme by providing our pupils with the opportunity to participate in school sport.

Sports day

Here are a some of pictures from Sports Day in July. Beckwith came out winners this year after an amazing event where all pupils showed sportsmanship, respect and bounce back ability. 

Chinese Dragon Themed Workshop

During Chinese New Year pupils in school took part in a Chinese Dragon themed workshop where they learnt some traditional dance and had the opportunity to work with a dragon to make them dance.

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PE Learning Journey