The start of the Academy day is 8.45am.
Any pupils arriving in class after the register has been completed will be marked as late.
If your child arrives late then you will receive a text message from the academy letting you know. We need to your help to ensure your children arrive at the academy on time and thank you in advance for your support with this matter.
Attendance at the academy is monitored on a weekly basis. We have high expectations and expect pupils to achieve at least 96.7% attendance across an academic year. Pupils who achieve this are rewarded with certificates and badges throughout the year.
The academy is obliged to monitor and record attendance and punctuality – if your child falls below agreed levels they may be referred ACET’s Education Welfare Officer who will work with families to provide advice and support.
ACET Protocol Statement
The law requires all schools to have an admission register and, with the exception of schools where all pupils are boarders, an attendance register. All pupils (regardless of their age) must be placed on both registers.
In all ACET academies, the admission register contains the personal details of every pupil in the academy, along with the date of admission or re-admission to the academy, information regarding parents/carers and details of the school last attended. This is stored in SIMs, an electronic information management system.
Attendance registers are completed daily by class teacher/registration tutors. Registration takes place prior to lessons commencing in the morning and immediately after the lunch break. Attendance registers are saved in SIMs.
FFT National Attendance awards Autumn & Spring 23/24
TJA has continued to receive an FFT National Award for pupil attendance. The awards are a ‘thank you’ to schools and celebrate the hard work and dedication of all those involved — pupils, parents, carers, staff and others — in achieving excellent attendance during the term.